Monday, August 29, 2011

A True Southerner

So as Hurricane Irene traveled up the East Coast this weekend, mama and I waited out the storm in Wilmington. Thankfully she had made a fresh batch of sweet tea before I got there on Thursday, but by Friday around noon, it was quickly diminishing. The worst of the storm blew through during the early morning hours of Saturday, I slept through that and losing power. After getting up, mom and I played scrabble, took a little nap, and once the winds died down a little, we sat out on the front porch for a while. We mainly watched the trees touch the ground when the wind blew hard enough, and talked about the crazies that were out walking around in the storm... (WITHOUT RAIN JACKETS!) and about how much we hated those people who had generators running their refrigerators and fans while we were suffering through it.

As we were watching things... a car drove by, and a woman had a McDonald's cup in her hand. (The window was down) .... I took one look at that cup, then another at my mom and said, "I'm going to put on my bra...Then, we're going to McD's!" After all, the worst of the storm had passed. It wasn't raining too much and the winds came and went... So, after clothing myself appropriately, we headed out. To our surprise there was not too much damage, a couple of trees were down on a few streets, but the main roads were remarkably clear.

It didn't matter that we had to sit in the Drive-Thru lane for 15 minutes. All that mattered was that I had a large sweet tea in the cup holder of my car, and I could survive the rest of the storm. I was not too impressed with the quarter pounder with cheese... but considering McD's was even open in the middle of a hurricane, I suppose I shouldn't complain. But, I won't be eating another one.

My point, people, is that a TRUE SOUTHERNER, Like myself and my mother, will go through wind, hail, sleet, rain, hurricanes or snow (well, not likely) to get some good sweet tea.

Call us crazy, but it was worth it.

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